Why are traditional greeting cards still more preferable than e-cards?

Why are traditional greeting cards still more preferable than e-cards?

We live in a world where everyone's life revolves over technology. And that's how e-cards has emerged from. I admit that electronic cards have many benefits, from being a life saver in sending something last minute to its ecofriendly properties. But believe it or not, traditional greeting cards are still more popular and preferred than e-cards even in 2022. Let's take a look at some of the pros of handing a physical greeting card over an e-card to someone:


1. Indicates Effort

Handpicking a greeting card compared to quickly selecting/sending an ecard last minute shows the effort you put in your message, whether you're wishing you're loved one a great 18th birthday to a "get well soon" message for a coworker. Just picking a paper card itself can imply that you have put in your thought, time, and effort in selecting a card to give them. And they say, time is money....so if you actually spend a bit of time searching for the perfect card fitting the occasion, its definitely worth it. And not to forget, it gives the occasion a whole different value.

After all, its the thought that matters:)


2. Personal Touch

And before you come at me thinking something else, let me clear this up right now - I don't mean that you will literally be touching someone with a physical card (lol, although you can give them a hug if you're giving it in-person **shrug**). But you will be personally touching their heart and emotions (in a positive and welcoming way of course). Giving a handwritten card is deemed more wholehearted and welcoming compared to sending a fast-typed message on an ecard. And you can't deny that, everyone prefers getting handwritten wishes rather than messages over social media, those snapchat snaps saying "hbd," or an e-card that you discover in your junk mail days after your birthday. 



3. Designing

It's not that electronic cards don't have nice designs. In fact, I've seen some beautiful masterpieces and illustrated e-cards. But one thing they lack is 3D embellishments. I'm talking gold foil lettering, UV spotting, 3-D butterflies and flowers, white lace bows, and much much more. And we can't forget how fun popup cards are - ecards would never be able to match the same vibe. 


4. Technology-Free

Last but not least, most traditional cards are technology free. There are a few greeting card companies out that have launched QR code imbedded cards in the past few years, but majority of them still are technology-free. My point here is that not everyone is a techie. The recipient may be someone who isn't an expert at computers or doesn't use a smartphone in their daily life. Let's take my grandparents as an example. Although my grandpa does use his smartphone for various phone calls and activities, he's quite clueless when it comes to seeing and opening emails. So sending an e-card would be of no use at that point, and I would much rather mail or give him a greeting card with a handwritten note, sealed in a nice envelope. :)

So what does this mean?

So you see, even though we live in the tech world right now, physical greeting cards is still a thoughtful option. The major thing that weighs paper cards more than electronic cards is effort. It definitely serves as a bonus for the person who is actually getting that card. How? Well, not only you go and hunt down a specific card from many options, you put in the time, thought, and effort in assembling that card. Writing even a simple message in your handwritten is the cherry on top!

So now you know, why that friend of yours is a fan of birthday cards, or why your grandmother has a whole collection of cards in her suitcase. It's because these cards hold more than just a few words....they hold compassion and emotions!

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